

Micula case

On 25 January 2022 the CJEU has annulled the ruling of the General Court in the famous Micula case which has given rise to intense debate for years amongst EU State aid experts (CJEU, Case C-638/19 P, ECLI:EU:C:2022:50). The first instance court had seen the...

Aid „sui generis“

As long ago as in 2019 the CJEU has refused to accept an aid block – exempted under the Commission´s General Block Exemption Regulation by its own self-assessment as „authorised” and therefore existing aid (see CJEU, judgment of 5.3.2019, Case C-347/17, Eesti Pagar, ECLI:EU:C:2019:172 and...


Never ever since the eruption of the financial markets crisis in 2008/2009 has any event turned the world of EU State aid control law as topsy-turvy as the Covid 19 pandemia, which has set on its Jules Verne tour around the globe, however without terminating...


As early as in January 2019 the European Commission started its fitness check performed on the current legal framework for EU State aid control. Said project sounded, at least when hearing about it in the first place, quite comprehensive. It encompassed the General Block Exemption...


Since the old and the new Competition Commissioner, Margarethe Vestager, has taken office in 2014, one could develop the impression that State aid control encompassed little more than the so-called „Tax Rulings“. Looking at the famous Apple case, where in August 2016 the Commission had found...

EStALI Autumn Conference 2019 28 – 29 November 2019

EStALI_Autumn_Conference_2019 EStALI Autumn Conference 2019 Workshop: 28 November 2019 The intensive workshop on the fi rst day, which takes place under the academic direction of Michael Schütte, will give participants profound insights into currently debated State aid issues. The focus will be on two specifi c topics, which will be explored and discussed in a small...

Fitness-Check for EU State aid rules

By its press release of 7 January 2019 the European Commission announced that the end of the current Multiannual Financial Framework would raise the necessity to have a significant number of legal frameworks, guidelines and regulations to be put to a fitness check. Hence, it...

Openings of formal investigation under Court pressure

It has been a feature common to EU State aid control that complaints against alleged undue advantages of competitors have, quite regularly so, proven to be a dragging and tiresome business. In most cases the complaints got rejected at the very end of this process....

Classical three-step analysis maintained

On 19 December 2018 the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Justice ruled on a preliminary request by Germany´s  Federal Finance Court that had asked whether exemptions from the real property transfer tax which may under certain conditions be granted in the context of...
